Mittwoch, 31. März 2004

i could do it too, aber ich mach's nicht, i am not schlau enough!

i am always so super beeindruckt, when I see, or besser gesagt, read, that bloggers blog in foreign sprachen. when i think about mich, i come to the conclusion, that mein blog could be in english, deutsch, italiano or sogar espaniol. estoy bastante betrübt, that I don't have the sonderzeichensatz, because if that be the fall, I could be so super spaccone und you would have to call mich * super-mario*.

most surprisingly all the englischen blogger, who are ja eigentlich german blogger, are not in der lage, to create a moreover sophisticated english blog, hence their english kenntnisse are no more than universitätswissen – maximal.

yet they finden themselves so clever; gotta be some decent show-off in the game somewhere. one has to let other bloggers wissen, das man the whole english literature knows like ones hosentasche. and when you are so schlau, that you can write a blog in english, you can kritisieren anyone and anything. anytime, versteht sich.

ganz besonders the punctuation and misspelled words get in the klugscheisser-fadenkreuz. that cheers me so unglaublich up, no one would believe!

here is the newest version of the jedermann klugscheisser-kindergarden-part-time-english blog in all its possible auswirkungen.

congrats, me thinks I know it viel besser. deswegen this here!

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Zorra - 31. Mär, 14:58


I'm very impressed no I'm even sprachlos.

La cierva de la plaza

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:24

me too

believe me, me too.
i do not even know, was ich noch sagen wollte.

soeben betritt der heissgeliebte brillen franzose das büro, der tag kann gehen...... aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh
Zorra - 31. Mär, 15:28

Tell him

that he can dir den Buckel herunterrutschen and that you have the nose voll of him.
Zorra - 31. Mär, 15:30

Oh I forgot

tell him too that he can stecken his plugs sonstwohin.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:33

was mich

once again to my defense-französisch bringt, what is: steck dir die plugs in the bottom!! in französisch?

i am so ungebildet, merde!
Zorra - 31. Mär, 15:39

Mon dieu,

man ne peut pas einfach so übersetzen. "Vas te faire foutre!" ou comme ça!

You can also tell him that he is a bloody frog-eater. I'm a little bit gemein, I know.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:43

to be ehrlich

you cannot be gemein enough, wenn it comes down zu den frog-eater-brillen-trägern.


btw. i have a gruppe of schweizern in the office, funny language they use, when they talk miteinander ;-))
neuro - 31. Mär, 15:49


am me non mi piace quando die leute spreke so.
Zorra - 31. Mär, 15:51

I hope

the Schweizer don't go on your nervs. Yes, we speak a very lustig language. We have a lot of Dialekts. From wo are they?
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:55

two sachen

was exactly do you not like neuro? when we sprechen as we do now?

@ zorra: i most likely think from zürich oder so, i did not know that plugs had drei stecker in der schweiz..... we just had a funny unterhaltung über adapter and friends :-))
Zorra - 31. Mär, 15:58

Oh yes

this is true, we haben other Stecker. Immer a little bit different the Swiss. Sag them a friendly Gruss of me, perhaps I kenne them.

Did they bringen you some Swiss-Schoggi at least?
neuro - 31. Mär, 16:04


non mi piace guando leute spreke denglish perche questo mi fa pale quadrate. aber forse hab ik das nicht gute verstande weil non sono tedesca...
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:07


i must enttäusch you, i do not eat schoggi at all, so swiss need not bring schoggi mit.
i cannot ask them weil ich ein secret-office-blogger bin, wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn ich meine tarnung .... you know what i mean
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:07


ich tu es nie wieder, aber das MUSSTE mal sein.
neuro - 31. Mär, 16:22


lo so cara mia. ti voglio tanto bene.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:33

irgendwie nett

ein nettes idiomatentreffen hier.
dachte ich mir doch, dass du mich verstehst ;-))
neuro - 31. Mär, 16:35


es gibt ne werbung wo die frau IDIOTA ruft, total falscher akzent.
aber das nur am rande..
Zorra - 31. Mär, 17:05

Yes, now

I'm very enttäuscht. You do not essen Schoggi. Not einmal Swiss-Schoggi?

I understand you are an undercover Agent-Blogger.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:11

i eat

very selten schoggi, i am a chips-esser.
aber if i eat schoggi it is lindt-creola-schoggi.
my lieblings schoggi.
eria - 31. Mär, 14:58

dear chatterliese... ich bin impressed.

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:19


sollen nicht impressed sein.
its about the punkt, um den es geht.

nun mal, das hält ja keiner aus, butter bei denen poissons (haha ich lerne verteidigungsfranzösisch) mir geht diese nölerei endzeitig auf die nervs!
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 15:04

my dearest schnatterliese,

can i please take some afterhelp bei you? maybe my english is dann better and i can tun my blog in english zwei, ähhh too.

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:17

you know, dear miss

that could be done wann immer you want. it is not a sache der cleverness.
my only wish is to have a schlaumeier-blog myself! like du!
lets do eins together......
eria - 31. Mär, 15:23

oh gott... nein. schnatter und miss in einem blog :)
meine empfehlung: strong buy!
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:35

un momento per favore

um das hier jetzt mal recht polyglott anzugehen.
so hamma nich jewettet!
the miss is a professional blogger and i am still in my kinderschuhen!
eria - 31. Mär, 15:39

pardon mademoiselle

the one hat mit the anderen aber schon sowhat von nothing to tun.
wär uuur lustig. ich mean.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:47

pardon granted

the sun is shining on my computer-bildschirm, difficult difficult das ganze zu lesen!
neuro - 31. Mär, 15:51

ci sono

officeblogger and proffesioanlblogger.
und homeblogger, si!
eria - 31. Mär, 15:51

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 15:57

yepp, and that means

rolladen runter!

siamo all the same blogger, officeblogger..... and i would love to be a home-blogger aber die scheiss company, die meinen rechner fixen wollte hat es versiebt and now i am computer-los.....
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 15:58

se miss and se schnattliese

doing it together ?? talking 'bout smart-meier-blog, of course.

and you, schnatterliese, "the miss is a professional blogger" - what the fuck is a professional blogger. i'm a professional ärgermacher and a professionel with neuro streiter.

and überhaupt, you tussi, i can see your shoes im header and das sind certainly not kinderschuhe. if you lie to me, our freundschaft is over right before it has begonnen.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:03

oh miss

you are trying to get a smooth streit with me?
just come a little closer and i will see was ich machen kann!

and nur am rande, professional blogger are those who can kontrollieren the style-sheet und freunde, which i have keinen plan von. so i leave it besser.

smart-meier-blog allerdings is a cute and tempting idee!

kinderschuhe? the was meant im übertragenen sense. i would not have genug nerven to lie to you! indianer-ehrenwort = sioux-promise!
neuro - 31. Mär, 16:06


sono from tha blogsphäre.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:10

is that so?

then i am beruhigt!
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 16:35

you really think

i can kontrollieren the style-sheet. baby, i überhaupt nicht know, what that überhaupt is. i always write a mail to my good friend smi, like: "you smi, can you please make what i like and don't know how it heisst". the only plan i have is the vienna city map, i swear.

and the kinderschuhe were overcarried. i see. mein fault. me blödi.
neuro - 31. Mär, 16:37

and tha miss

is not this was sie scheint to be.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:45


you miss gibst smi a simple order and then it goes rock and roll? can i have that superservice too?
speaking of vienna, a nette frau, that i met in a club med years ago kam from vienna and she und ich got quadruple-drunk one abend in cologne. very funny, very kopfschmerzlastig, super hang-over!

neuro: what is the miss denn dann?
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 16:57

yes please.

what is the miss denn dann ?? because, i am the miss and i think i should better know, what i am. sonst stands someone me the question and i must say: i am super sorry, but i don't know, 'cause neuro didn't tell me.

yo schnatterliese, le smi had made me blogging, so he must do something for it now. i could write it on a paper auch. but i think, he really mag mich not so gern, if i write "yes, it's good now, but i want it a little different", "now bigger", "now smaller" and "now more left and gemirrored or you know what, we make it ganz anders."
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:05

i will look

for a smi-berlin-gegenstück that knows everything in sachen blog-looks. now that i am a no longer a gratis-blog-haver! i must do something for it.
and then you will wirklich große augen machen.....
neuro - 31. Mär, 17:08

tha miss

is a dem smi sein beta-test-user, interface-un-friendly , youre a wacko miss
und i like it. pero, io sono una bambina und bimo und tha ahnung von dem ganzen nonce`
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:10


you are running up to high-potential performace......
neuro - 31. Mär, 17:18


do i das? so, right now, my being sympathetic is moot, ich fürchte ich werde missunderstood..
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:23

nö meine liebe

how do you get this idea now?
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 17:25

you gonna be missunderstood ?

neuro digitiert zu miss.understood ...

and i am certainly and without a doubt not a test-user. cause, if something runs not as it should, i call him and say "fucking bastards. make it work." and if he wants to know, what nicht klappt, is it maximal "none of my business."
neuro - 31. Mär, 17:30


oh, i'm not criticizing you, leader leads, follower follows :-)
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:38


the words say it ja eigentlich in themselves, or what?
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 17:43

you neuro,

the followerleader saying uses me too. no, other way. i use it. i know the formulierung from ally mc beals fish. you too ?

and liese, you have it oversugared sofort. you are so lightningclever.
neuro - 31. Mär, 17:59


you're right im a stiller ally fan und maybe its because they say that all what she sagt is how ne bibel uknow? whatever, tha followers jedenfalls haben with begriff oversugared nothing am hut.
walküre - 31. Mär, 16:50

your denglish

is really beeindruckend and makes me laugh, obwohl bei me today schon a lot of shit gehappened is ...

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 16:54

oh just walk on in

this is a klassentreffen of experts in shit-portionen per day.
i have the dämliche franzose in the office, the klotür is offen permanently, my computer der in reparatur war was send back today - still kaputt. the sonne is shining hier rum with a mean penetranz and i cannot raus aus dem büro!
that is when you need to start spass-writing!
walküre - 31. Mär, 16:58


i wirklich do not want to walk on in, because weil i nämlich preferen würde to go out into the sunshine and have a latte macchiato while watching leute beim bummeln !!
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 16:59

one moment.

this is spass-writing ?? i put my heartblut in it und you call ist spass-writing ?? this i have erstmal to verkraften...
walküre - 31. Mär, 17:02

ja surely,

this geblödel seems to clear düstere thoughts und zaubert a smile on my face !
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 17:03


this is now a smart-meier-blog. you kannst nicht over us smilen. you have to be gelähmt vor ehrfurcht...
walküre - 31. Mär, 17:05


miss, i love dich, auch !
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:07

drop dead

miss you mean, this hier is now that smart-meier-bog? I was so happy that it was the friedens-blog, I eaven have a secret blog-loch for the bad energy!
now i have to start verkrafting hier!
walküre - 31. Mär, 17:13

i guess i have verschreckt miss - perhaps wegen my reaktion ... miss, i'm not from the other ufer !
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:16

oh the miss is not

verschreckable, i am sure of that!
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 17:18


i have a lot of respect vor your name. but you don't have verschreckt me. but i must myself anmalen a little bit now and after that i make a little spaziergang to the twoday lesung.

other ufer ? can you please be a little happy-summer-like and call it "the other beach" ?
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:25

oh bullocks

you go to the twoday-party, really?
you have it good! have fun there! for us too!
peziso - 31. Mär, 17:31

oh my Gott, seids ihr cool, the rederei in outlandish is grossartig.
and es impressed mich totally, dass here so very nette people sich die doorbell in the pfote pressen. but that quatscherei is very heavy zu understanden. may ich füg some austrian home tongue (to have a paar straighte transsetzungen auch in) eini ??
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:35

wenn du the opinion vertrittst

here noch ein little bit den austrian touch verbreiten zu wollen:

feel free to dick it!
walküre - 31. Mär, 17:38

peziso, you have schuld dran that my restliches make-up just swept hinfort ... :-)
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:40

this is called

abschminck-lachen, totally normale sache.....
peziso - 31. Mär, 17:46

ganz forgotten:

wenn your metaltrottel is defect, dann you musst you see around, to find an guten technican, des vertrauens.because du kannst him kicken if he is deppat. then he shall reparier dir the ding in a fast time.
or you will not reib ihm rüber the money!! you can mach him this very klar, so he wouldnt get an auftrag again and has to hunger!!

blackmail eahm wos possible, they ham ma done exactly the same zu meiner lesskeit. an i was in the bredoullie the ganze zeit!!
but wenn du want to leave the arbeitsstätte, fake a stromoutfall, then the kastln (oder ist this the cupboards ??) dont work.
miss.understood - 31. Mär, 17:47


i just wanted to talk to my kollegin and she shaked her head and said: "are you crazy?" i'm so into it now, i can't hardy stop. the people at the lesung will love me for it... "verarscht you us?" - "no! i am really so blöd."

i can tell them, i'm the schnatterliese and the neuro and the walküre and all the other people, that can not rüberkommen. and we can irritieren them, if i tell them, i am the guys. "you can't be sierra. you have titts." - "no, i'm a zauberer. it's a optical täuschung."
peziso - 31. Mär, 17:48

sry walcure !
i didnt want to reiss away the colour !!
it was an unfall, im so traurig, that you have to paint again!! ;-)
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 17:55


in regards to the metalltrottel: they have promised to pay me mein geld zurück an i buy a new one. an computer-preise are very nice these days, so i save money and will fly to vienna next time!
i am the true smart-ass!

miss: you are the ulitmate optical miss mouse, so you go for it confuse them alle miteinander
Zorra - 31. Mär, 17:58

Please miss,

trink auch einer for me. Or even more als einer. As much you can trink.
suna - 31. Mär, 17:59

oh ja, for mich too.
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 18:03

well then

the rest runs under shit-faced-due-to-massive-drinking-bloggertum am morgigen tag.

also soll die miss trinken, as if there is no tomorrow!
peziso - 31. Mär, 18:03

but, wenn they pay dir back the money, you have to take care, like a haftelmacher, that they dont pull you over the tisch !!
this guys are that hinterholdy, that you give them the whole marie and they give you back the last dreck!
have a beratungsdiscussion, to find out, which metalltrottel fits you best, for saving marie and havin fun at büro. i weiss, that fun in büro isnt that easy, but with a gut running blechtrottel, it makes all leichter !!

work is done so viel faster and then you can use that speer(mei was that jetzt speer oder diskus time in english??)time for more interesting dinger, wie drinking kaffee and quatsching with other slaves, ah kollegen.

and wenn you fly to vienna, come to besuch us all, to learn more fremdsprachen, like esperanto for runaways or the vatican praying sprache, which means, betteln as crazy !!
schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 18:08

the metalltrottel

have me an email geschrieben which says: miss schnatterliese gets all the money back because we haben ein problem der liese ihr sein schnucki wieder in the line zu kriegen. hahahahaha!
now - aka today!! - they have sent me a verrechnungsscheck AND the computer back the very same day, schnucki ist still kaputt, but now the problem ist on the metalltrottels seite.

i have that very smart hingedeichselt.
peziso - 31. Mär, 18:14

boah youre that gescheit !!

a very tricky liese!

now they have the black peter !! and they have to work arrowgeschwind, because otherwise, you will bescher them a bad image.
and i think, wenn you are gettin ordentlich angry, they will send you some präsente too. so show them whos the chef hier !!
make them to the schnecke !! quarrel as gut you can !!
then the travel to vienna and a nice abendessen, will be drin either !!
neuro - 31. Mär, 18:29


schnatterle, wieso bis du eigentlich nich zu der lesung? hä?

schnatterliese - 31. Mär, 18:52


weil ich doch soooooo far away von vienna lebe
engraver - 31. Mär, 22:26

unbewriteblich, noch ever not luft war
frau schnatterliese ich würd ihnen ja gerne beim umgang mit ihrem "erbfeind" behilflich sein ...

schnatterliese - 1. Apr, 09:30

streiten und umgang

war gestern heute ist wieder alles fein und entspannt.
engraver - 3. Apr, 20:46


krank? verreist? ..... :(((

bei vertraulichkeiten:

so sieht's aus:

Du bist nicht angemeldet.

der derzeitige wahnsinn:

tag schnatterle
pennywein - 30. Jan, 13:24
is wohl in echt schluss. - 10. Aug, 20:32
Tomaten haben wir letztes Jahr in Kroatien am Markt...
knutschflower - 4. Jul, 13:22
(Ich brauche doch immer...
(Ich brauche doch immer ein wenig länger, ich bin doch...
kid37 - 3. Jul, 23:58
Frau Schnatterliese,...
Frau Schnatterliese, schnell ein Hinweis - völlig themenfern....
Au-lait - 22. Jun, 15:37

so lange schon:

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